About Us

MasterStroke Technoservices Pvt Ltd is a company established on basis of twenty years of management experience.

Organized to provide services and specialized activities with knowledge, skills and experience to work with quality and excellence in an innovative way.
It has been our endeavor to provide sustainable business solutions to our clients with aim to create value for our clients at all levels of service. With our expertise and experience in serving people in the field of Hospitality, Facility & Property Management we have developed keen understanding of their needs and requirements.

Our services are based and created around critical success factor of our clients. In our perseverance of excellence we have developed software-based tools for easy & smooth functioning of a facility or property.

We understand that each facility is unique and has its own set of requirements that are critical for success of a client. We have developed our solutions based on this understanding and so we have solutions that are industry & client specific. We have developed operations manuals for each solution and further tailor-made as per client and site requirement.  

Today more than ever business owners and managers need to look for ways to receive quality service while maximizing their operating rupee. MasterStroke exists to fulfill that very objective. Through our five service divisions our customers can maximize their purchasing power by bundling the fundamental services that most properties require to operate effectively.

With a one vendor, one point of contact, one invoice concept MasterStroke also save our customers time and money, establishing uniformity in their facilities up-keeping needs and making their lives just a little bit easier.

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